Monday, October 29, 2012

KWTX "Here's to You" promo commercial

A KWTX promo commercial from either 1985 or 1986 showing some scenes from around Waco.  Tagline was "Here's to Waco, Here's to You".

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Days commercial - KTVT

This is a commercial for reruns of Happy Days on KTVT Channel 11.  I saw this commercial so many times I had it memorized.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Solid Gold commercial - KTVT

Here's a Solid Gold commercial that judging by the shows on the tape was from 1985.  Looks like it was a really good episode (A-ha and Whitney Houston!).  I just wish it had more Solid Gold Dancers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I Watch VHS begins.

You can learn a lot about a culture by its trash, just ask an archaeologist.  You could say that commercials are the trash of the 20th century, throw away pieces of video put together to advertise something in the moment.  However I see them historically, as a view into what we bought, what we found popular, and what we watched.  I sat through many of the commercials as a child, and when I salvaged these tapes I found them to be more interesting than the programs recorded on them.  Here's my blog then, old stuff (mostly commercials) that I found on my old VHS tapes.